Jiani Tang
Videographer / UX Designer
UX Design

Augmented Reality App
Bubble Pin App aims to provide users with a unique perspective of the connection between personal memories and physical world.
Users are allowed to upload memories into space and create their own life trails around the physical world. At home, whatever the users choose to explore, either attending special events or enjoying a trip to scenic spots, Bubble Pin offers them a different overview of the memories and living space.
AutoQuote is an academic app which provides users with auto quotation from the articles that they have saved in the app.
Game Design

Bread Jenga
Video Game
Bread Jenga is a physical game. In the game scene, a shaking Jenga tower is set in a forest. All the Jenga blocks are made in bread and a little monster is standing on the top of the Jenga tower, stamping the bread block.
The player in the game has to remove the bread block from the Jenga tower and feed the monster with the bread to calm the monster down. In this way, the player decreases the amplitude of monster’s stamp vibration. At the same time, the player has to maintain the balance of the tower while removing the block from the tower. Once the Jenga tower falls down, the player loses.
Installation/ Performance Design

Video/ Electronic Ineractive Installation
Distance installation runs on a system of analogue circuits and MAX/MSP software. A girl puppet wearing a LED bracelet is placed in the room. The tree LED lights with different colors on the bracelet represent different distances between a visitor and the puppet. The five animated faces in the room are doing a cappella singing and their facial expression and their emations of sing the songs are changing acording to the visitor's nearness to the girl puppet.
Conceptually, the aim of this installation s to give the sence of the connection between emotion and personal space.

Candy Dream
Live Performace
I believe that everyone used to have childhood dreams. While some people were able to make them come true, some were not; while they grew older, their dreams gradually faded away and remain as dreams that cannot be realized ever.
Candy Dream is an interactive performance using video mapping and multichannel audio technique. It was performed at MAGNET in NYU on December, 2013. The concept of this performance is about getting closer to the purest state of childhood, a state in which one can dream without limitation.