Jiani Tang
Videographer / UX Designer

Distance Installation
Distance is a video and electronic installation. It runs on a system of analogue circuits and MAX/MSP software.
A girl puppet wearing a LED bracelet is placed in the room. The tree LED lights with different colors on the bracelet represent different distances between a visitor and the puppet. For example, if a visitor is standing too close to the puppet, the red LED on the bracelet will lights up to indicate that the girl puppet’s personal space is encroached and the visitor is in an intimate space. When the visitor is in an appropriate distance, the yellow LED on the bracelets lights up to indicate that the girl puppet and the visitor are in the social space. When visitor is far away from the puppet, the green LED on the bracelets lights up to indicate that the visitor and the girl puppet are in the public space.
The five animated faces in the room are doing a cappella singing and their facial expression and their emations of sing the songs are changing acording to the visitor's nearness to the girl puppet. . If the visitor is too close to the girl, the family will become panic and their will scream and cry. If the visitor is in an appropriate distance to the girl, the five family members will sing the song merrily. If the visitor is far away from the girl, the five family members will stare at the visitor and sing a joyful song.
Conceptually, the aim of this installation s to give the sence of the connection between emotion and personal space.
Brooklyn Experimental Center, NY. 2014